Happy Hour RSVP Page


Thank you for your RSVP to our Virtual Happy Hour. Please check your email for access information, which can also be found below.





Diana Carlson-Pardee & SCWA have invited you to a scheduled Zoom Virtual Happy Hour.

Thank you for your RSVP. Please use the link and password below to join our SCWA meeting.  We request that you do not share this information with anyone else.

Topic: SCWA Virtual Happy Hour


Time: This Friday, 04:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting
https://zoom.us/j/506424864? pwd= eUFxQ2F6cEpmMW1PQkhqSHl2YTJqUT 09

Meeting ID: 506 424 864
Password: HappySCWA  or 486372
One tap mobile
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+13462487799,506424864#, 486372# US (Houston)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)