Coffee House Writers Group

Coffee House Writers Group

Read your work, receive feedback, and provide feedback to others through our new Coffee House Writers Group. We meet via Zoom on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Our friendly and welcoming members provide feedback that is positive and encouraging. Please send an email to Russ Thompson, facilitator and SCWA board member, ( if you would like to participate.


Sayers, Dirk B

Dirk B Sayers ABOUT DIRK Dirk’s path to authorship wasn’t quite accidental, but almost. Through tow previous careers, first as a Marine officer and subsequently as a corporate trainer Dirk started more stories than he finished. But during the 2008 financial meltdown, his employer filed for Chapter 11 protection. Along with many others, Dirk was … Read more

It’s All in the Story: California, The Sequel

It's All in the Story 

California, The Sequel

An Anthology

Dust off that magnum opus sitting in your desk drawer. Bring on your finest flash. Dazzle us with your prose and world-building. The It's All in the Story, California, The Sequel anthology is intended to bring recognition and publication to the great writers of SCWA and beyond. We're looking for short fiction that incorporates the theme of California in some way.

Whether your main character surfs the Wedge or sells pot in Humbolt, we want your story. If your piece is about the dystopian aftermath of California's most catastrophic earthquake or someone from afar just California dreaming, we want it.

This book will be a broad-based literary publication. If you're an author, this is a magnificent opportunity to gain exposure and be part of a professionally produced, nationally distributed book. It will be formatted in both paperback and e-books.

We're honored that Janis Thomas has agreed to serve as the editor. Publishers Weekly says of Janis' newest novel, Finding Grace (Blackstone Publishing, 2023) "Engrossing...Those who value character driven suspense will be rewarded." She is the bestselling author of What Remains True and All That's Left of Me (Lake Union, 2017, 2018)

Submission Guidelines

Submit an original, previously unpublished piece in a Word file. You may submit more than one, but each entry will require a separate entry fee. Please make sure your submission is edited, polished, and formatted correctly (1 inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman font, double-spaced lines, and half-inch indents for paragraphs) and does not contain any text created by artificial intelligence (AI).

Entry Fee:  SCWA paid member: $25.00 (nonrefundable)

Nonmembers: $40.00 (nonrefundable)

Theme:  California

Genre:   Open to all fictional genres

Word Count: 1,000 - 4,000 words

Submission Deadline: November 25, 2024

Notification of acceptance: January 15, 2025

Publication date: TBD

Please email submissions with your name, phone number, and email address to our Anthology Committee Chair, Nancy Klann, at: Your entry will be processed after payment is received. If your story is accepted, you will be invited to participate in the publication.

Symons, Allene

Allene Symons ABOUT ALLENE Allene Symons is the author of Love in a Time of Caterpillars: A Memoir of Monarchs and Caregiving (Forked Road Press, February 3, 2024), as well as Aldous Huxley’s Hands: His Quest for Perception and the Origin and Return of Psychedelic Science (Prometheus Books, 2015). Her other books are Nostradamus, Vagabond … Read more

The Writers’ Hangout


Welcome to SCWA's newest offering: The Writers' Hangout. Our mission is a place where SCWA members and people interested in writing can discuss writing and how it is affecting their lives. All are welcome.

We'll meet online each Friday from 4:30 to 5:30 pm PT. Each week will have a theme. For example, Technical Basics, Genres, Beta Readers, and Editors. People will bring their question or issue, state it in about 20 words, and then other attendees can offer input, information, and suggestions.

You don't have to feel like you are alone in your writing life by talking with others who can help you develop your work. We hope you'll join SCWA Board Member Jim Takos this week and subsequent Fridays when we meet and talk about writing with the goal of helping each other out.

Here are the details:

Topic: SCWA Writers' Hangout

Time: Every Friday, 04:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 854 7745 6467

Passcode: 694797

One tap mobile

+16699006833,,85477456467#,,,,*694797# US (San Jose)

+16694449171,,85477456467#,,,,*694797# US

• +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

• +1 669 444 9171 US

Meeting ID: 854 7745 6467

Passcode: 694797

Dunkleberger, Amy A

Amy A Dunkleberger ABOUT AMY A native of Washington, D.C. and longtime California resident, my debut novel After the Blue Rain, set in postwar L.A., came out in late 2022 under my pen name A.D. Price. If there’s truth to the old saw about writing being a journey not a destination, then I’ve been a … Read more